AC Thermostat Not Working? How to Diagnose and Fix the Issue of Not Reaching Set Temperature

A common problem that homeowners face with their air conditioning systems is a thermostat that won’t reach the desired temperature. This can be a frustrating issue as it can leave you feeling uncomfortably warm during the summer months. In this article, we will go over some common causes of this problem and provide solutions on how to fix it.

Check Thermostat Batteries

The first step in troubleshooting a thermostat that won’t reach the desired temperature is to check the batteries. Many thermostats run on batteries and if the batteries are low or dead, the thermostat may not be able to function properly. Replace the batteries and see if the problem is resolved.

Check Thermostat Calibration

Another potential cause of a thermostat not reaching the desired temperature is that it may be calibrated incorrectly. If the thermostat is not calibrated properly, it may not be able to accurately read the temperature in your home. To check the calibration of your thermostat, use a thermometer to measure the temperature in the room, and compare it to the temperature reading on the thermostat. If there is a significant difference, it may be necessary to recalibrate your thermostat.

Check Wiring Connections

Wiring connections can also be a cause of a thermostat not reaching the desired temperature. Make sure all the wires are properly connected to the thermostat, the HVAC unit, and the power supply. Loose connections can cause the thermostat to malfunction, preventing it from reaching the desired temperature.

Check for Obstructions

Obstructions can also cause a thermostat not to reach the desired temperature. Make sure the thermostat is not blocked by furniture or other objects. The thermostat needs to be able to accurately read the temperature in the room, so it should be placed in a location where it can do so without any obstructions.


Thermostat that won’t reach the desired temperature can be caused by a variety of issues, from low batteries to calibrations errors, loose wiring connections, and obstructions. By troubleshooting the problem and following the steps outlined in this article, you can diagnose and fix the issue and enjoy a comfortable home again